The Christian Institute Launches 2024 Election Briefing

Jun 17, 2024 by

THE CHRISTIAN Institute is offering Christians a unique analysis of party policies on many of the issues that matter to believers as they consider how to vote on 4 July.

Part of the Institute’s Get Informed campaign, the 48-page 2024 ‘Election Briefing’ offers clear and concise insights into key subjects, including freedom of speech, gender identity, religious liberty, gambling, marriage and the sanctity of life. The charity’s offering to churches and individual Christians is an essential guide to the General Election.

Election Briefing 2024 is available online today (17 JUNE) at the ci/election as a PDF download and via an interactive webpage. In addition, 55,000 printed copies are being readied for despatch to the charity’s individual supporters and its 5,000-plus linked churches around Great Britain.

The Election Briefing is one of four resources available from the non-denominational charity to help Christians weigh up how they will vote. The others are:

● An online MPs’ Votes tool showing how MPs in the last Parliament voted on specific moral issues;

● Questions for Candidates to help Christians to quiz candidates on key policy areas ahead of the election; and

● Webinars to brief Christians on key issues, including a Q&A session with senior CI staff.

The Christian Institute, with a dedicated team of seven researchers underpinning its widely recognised expertise in this area, is uniquely placed to uncover where the parties stand on some of the issues that matter most to Bible-believing Christians. Fully referenced, Election Briefing 2024 cuts through election spin, and clearly highlights what the parties have actually said and done.

For more than three decades, the charity has worked tirelessly to defend religious liberty, protect children from inappropriate sex education, and oppose abortion and euthanasia. It is increasingly providing legal and strategic advice to church leaders, Christian organisations, teachers and school governors in the political minefield of gender identity. In recent months, the charity’s senior staff have been closely engaged behind the scenes at Westminster and in the devolved parliaments on proposals to bring in new laws on so-called conversion therapy, euthanasia, hate crime and abortion.

In Election Briefing 2024, threats to free speech, and the risk of weaker laws on abortion, divorce, illegal drugs and assisted suicide, are addressed – and more. Ciarán Kelly, Acting Director of The Christian Institute, said:

“As a charity, we’d never tell anyone which party to vote for – that is a matter for their conscience. But as Christians, it is our duty to engage in a distinctively Christian way with those seeking our vote, those who want to run the country, to make sure they understand our concerns.

“It is therefore vital that Christians grill local candidates on the issues of deep concern to Christians – whether they expect them to be in power or opposition – and then prayerfully use their vote.  

“This election is an opportunity for Christians to influence our democracy for the better. But to do that they’ll need to be informed. That’s where our resources come in.”

● Download a copy of Election Briefing 2024, or access the interactive version and all the other Get Informed resources at:

● For printed copies, email or telephone 0191 281 5664. 


For further information/interview:

Ciarán Kelly              07736 957579

Acting Director

Revd Paul Eddy         07923 653781

PR Consultant

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