The Great Reset, or Great Repression?

Nov 23, 2020 by

by Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch:

Many are sounding the alarm about globalist technocracy and the Great Reset:

No genuine Christian believes that mere man can establish heaven on earth. He has both Scripture and history fully informing him that such attempts always end up as hell on earth. Yet folks keep on trying. Mankind has always sought to set up an earthly utopia without the heavenly God. This goes all the way back to our first parents in the garden, and then the Tower of Babel.

Marxism, Communism and socialism are some of the more recent attempts to achieve the same thing. All believe in the perfectibility of man by the control of man – by a handful of elites. They think that if they can change society, they can change mankind. Of course the biblical position is the opposite: until we change mankind, we can never change society.

But the idea of the perfectibility of man by means of the coercive state, or by some elite technocrats, or by rogue science, is ever a threat. The most ominous and most recent example of all this is the so-called Great Reset. I have written about it before, as in this piece:

I wish to speak to it again, drawing upon an Anglican and a Catholic. The former I have already quoted on this matter: C. S. Lewis. But one can never get enough of his work and his insights. I already quoted from his prescient 1945 novel, That Hideous Strength. Let me feature three more snippets of dialogue from this final volume of his space trilogy:

‘The real thing is that this time we’re going to get science applied to social problems and backed by the whole force of the state, just as war has been backed by the whole force of the state, in the past. One hopes, of course, that it’ll find out more than the old free-lance science did; but what’s certain is that it can do more.’

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