The impact of “The Muslim Vote”

Jul 5, 2024 by

by Ruth Peacock, Religion Media Centre:

Sunder Katwala has tweeted an analysis of the impact of The Muslim Vote on Labour’s vote share, in constituencies with a high proportion of Muslim voters. It suggests the vote has gone down by between 15 – 40 per cent across the board.

The votes have gone to independent candidates supported by The Muslim Vote, which was set up in protest at the failure of politicians to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. It says; “We are a powerful, united force of 4 million acting in unison. We are focused on seats where the Muslim vote can influence the outcome. We are here for the long term. In 2024, we will lay the foundations for our community’s political future”.

The Muslim Vote listed constituenices where more than 10 per cent of the population are Muslim and identified how each MP voted last November on a Commons motion for a ceasefire.

Jonathan Ashworth, until last night the Labour MP for Leicester South, abstained in the vote. He has lost to independent candidate Shockat Adam, a local businessman, by 979 votes. Mr.Adam had criticised established parties for failing to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, saying people had been met with silence from political leaders and “further facilitation of death and destruction”.

In Dewsbury and Batley, former Labour MP Heather Iqbal lost to Independent Iqbal Mohamed, also on The Muslim Vote list.

In Blackburn, Independent candidate Adnan Hussain, again on The Muslim Vote list, beat Labour former MP Kate Hollern.

In Ilford North, Labour’s Wes Streeting, former shadow health secretary, who abstained, saw his vote go down by 33 per cent, narrowly clinging on to his seat by 528 votes over Independent candidate Leanne Mohamad, also on The Muslim Vote list..

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