‘The Lady of Heaven’ is Islam’s ‘Life of Brian’ moment

Jun 9, 2022 by

by Archbishop Cranmer:

‘The Lady of Heaven’ is currently being pulled from cinema chains because it is considered ‘blasphemous’ by certain Muslims. They have a perfect right to protest, of course: this is a free country. But once again we see the assertion of a right not to be offended, which does not exist in law (despite the belief of one or two police forces). The fact that the film was written, produced and directed by certain other Muslims is neither here nor there: the mobs outside the cinemas are demanding meetings with cinema managers, and those managers are complying with the ‘robust’ mob demands to stop screening the film because it is ‘blasphemous’, and there is no discussion or debate to be had on the matter.

And without any discussion or debate to be had on the matter, the cinema chains are left with a single inference: stop screening ‘The Lady of Heaven’, or else…

And so they have pulled it, to “ensure the safety” of their staff.

‘The Lady of Heaven’ is not a secularist or profane assault on things that Islam holds sacred: it is a Shi’a perspective on Fatima, the daughter of Mohammed and Khadijah. “Fatimah has been compared to Mary, mother of Jesus, especially in Shia Islam. Muhammad is said to have regarded her as the outstanding woman of all time and the dearest person to him. Fatimah is often viewed as an ultimate archetype for Muslim women and an example of compassion, generosity, and enduring suffering.”

And rather like the way Mary is variously understood among Christian traditions, there are differences within the strands of Islam of how the ‘legend’ of Fatima is or should be understood.

Read here

Watch:  Dan Wootton and Baroness Claire Fox discuss, GB News

See also:

Mohammed film protest backer is government’s Islamophobia adviser, by Craig Simpson, Telegraph

The Lady of Heaven and the racism of identity politics, by Tom Slater, spiked: By giving in to those protesters, what have the elites shown?

The BBC’s Shameful Capitulation to Islamists in Refusing to Report Impartially on the Latest ‘Blasphemy’ Furore, from The Daily Sceptic

Sectarian cinema? by Stephen Daisley, The Critic

The shameful censorship of The Lady of Heaven, by Inaya Folarin Iman, spiked

Imam dismissed as No 10’s islamophobia adviser after backing calls to cancel ‘blasphemous’ film, by Edward Malnick, Telegraph

UK cinema chain cancels screenings of ‘blasphemous’ film after protests, by Helen Pidd, Jessica Murray and Andrew Pulver, Guardian


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