The lie of the right to abortion

Jul 9, 2022 by

from European Centre for Law & Justice:

Speech delivered at the European Parliament by Dr Grégor Puppinck, on July 5, 2022.

The right to abortion is based on lies.

First, there is the lie that abortion would be a “liberal” practice, that it was intended to liberate women, when the aim of its historical advocates was, above all, to increase their control over both human reproduction and human life.

Then, there are the lies that abortion would be safe, that it would be “health care“, that its legalisation would reduce maternal mortality, or that women would be victims of “forced pregnancies“, as if pregnancy were a fatality.

There is also the lie that it would be impossible to prevent or reduce the recourse to abortion, or that abortion would be a prerequisite for equality between men and women. So many lies.

However, the biggest lie about abortion is that it denies the existence of the aborted child. That is the lie on which the so-called right to abortion is based.

Abortion can be presented as a woman’s right over her own body only because it ignores her child; this is what the U.S. Supreme Court did in Roe v. Wade in 1973, and it was wrong. This is a gross lie because abortion is obviously performed on a child! The child is the one who directly suffers the abortion, not the mother. It is the child who is aborted, not the mother.

This lie goes even further since abortion advocates are always careful to avoid talking openly about abortion itself; they use euphemism such as “procedure“, “menstrual regulation“, “reproductive rights” or “women’s rights” to avoid saying “abortion“. In doing so, they avoid owning up to the bloody reality of what they are promoting.

This lie spreads from international abortion lobbies and the United Nations to the laws of Western countries. It is a prerequisite for the right to abortion.

This lie was the basis of Roe v. Wade, and it was finally rejected by the Supreme Court.

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