The Resurrection of Christianity

Mar 31, 2024 by

by Andrew Cadman, TCW:

[…]  ARNOLD’S words have never seemed more prescient. However, in these dark times there is some good news – potentially very good news – for a change. As hard as it may be to believe, Christianity is again in the intellectual ascendant. Although until very recently the picture was one of seemingly remorseless decline, there are now significant reasons for optimism.

Firstly, there is the complete failure of liberalism and atheism to create the moral, rational, happy society it promised. Having junked religion, people substituted politics as a form of faith. This created a weird syncretic new religion that combined the madness of woke, scientific materialism and pagan worship of the Earth: human beings were to be denied agency using sinister behavioural techniques and required to sacrifice all their creature comforts on the altar of Gaia and her single commandment: Net Zero. This new ‘faith’ brought all the worst aspects of religion with seemingly none of the benefits: irrationality, refutation of empirical evidence, cruelty born of puritan zealotry, hounding of apostates and heretics but coupled with nihilism and – tellingly – no redemption. Western society without its Judaeo-Christian heritage has proved to be like a cut rose: still beautiful – for a brief interlude – but ultimately doomed to wither and die.

Atheism’s failure has been marked by some major defections and subsequent conversion to Christianity by leading intellectuals and thinkers. The most famous of these is Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Other leading thinkers such as Dr Jordan Peterson seem to be heading in a Christian direction. The recent Alliance for Responsible Citizenship conference, the brainchild of Dr Peterson, was organised by evangelical Philippa Stroud and although not explicitly Christian was heavily influenced by the religion.

Alongside this intellectual revolution is a scientific one. Astonishingly, advancements in biology are starting to point to the existence of intelligent design rather random mutation to explain the great leaps in life forms that punctuate the fossil record. Evolution certainly works for small-scale changes, but the complexity of life is proving to be so vast that random chance couldn’t possibly explain it, even on a universe-wide scale of space and time. Instead, it points to biological structures such as DNA being coded – and coding requires an intelligence. In short, theism is back. It should be noted that this is still very much a minority view amongst scientists and, of course, these scientific revelations don’t prove the existence of an explicitly Christian God. However, it seems that faith may be seen once again as an ally of reason rather than its antagonist – an event of potentially enormous long-term significance.

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