The Role of Christianity in the 2024 UK Election

Jul 1, 2024 by

by Ethan Coffey, Juicy Ecumenism:

It has now been over a decade since former Archbishop Rowan Williams declared to the Daily Telegraph that the United Kingdom is a ‘post-Christian Nation’. Indeed, for a country less than a month away from a General Election, there has been a notable absence of religion as a factor in the campaigns.

Whilst in the United States, coverage of political appeals to voting blocs of ‘white evangelicals’ or of ‘souls to the polls’ turnout drives among African Americans have become commonplace, British believers find themselves as an excluded voice from the national conversation.

For UK Christians to adapt to their current position and rediscover their role in politics, they must look to the positive impact of moral fringe voices throughout British history and see themselves as part of a diverse coalition of religious groups with a role to play in shaping Britain’s future.

What accounts for the limited influence of Christianity on UK politics?

Read here


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