The spiritual consequences of abortion

Nov 13, 2022 by

by Lynda Rose, Voice for Justice UK:

Fifty-five years ago, on 27 October 1967, an Act legalising abortion in certain carefully defined circumstances received Royal Assent. Very broadly, termination became legal where continuation of the pregnancy was deemed to carry serious risk to the life or mental health of the mother, greater than if the pregnancy were to continue; where there was a risk of injury to the physical or mental health of any existing children of the family; or where it was known that the foetus had a serious mental or physical disability.

Based on the assumption of viability, the upper time limit for termination was set at 28 weeks, and it had passed its third reading the previous July by 262 to 181 votes.

At the time the Bill’s proposer, David Steel MP, expressed the opinion that there might at most be around 300 abortions a year. The figure was to prove a wild under-estimate. In England and Wales over the last 55 years we have seen 10 million abortions, 98% of which have been performed for what are euphemistically termed ‘social reasons’, meaning that at the time, for whatever reason, the child was simply unwanted.

The reality is that from the time the Abortion Act came into effect on 27 April 1968, both women and men have tended to view legal termination as a green light allowing unrestrained sex whenever, wherever and with whomsoever they want, without fear of consequence.

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