The True Child-Indoctrination Centres These Days Are Being Run by the State

Apr 30, 2024 by

by Steven Tucker, The Daily Sceptic:

Can modern children really trust what they are being taught in their schools?

I well remember my shock, aged around 12 years old, when I first read in a school science textbook the distressing news that the world’s supplies of oil were due to run out in approximately 30 short years’ time, a period when I hoped still to be alive. It was not only power and heating-supplies that would be affected by this looming shortage, the textbook warned: in chemically-processed form, oil was used to make everything from textiles to plastics, rendering modern life essentially unliveable. It turned out even some forms of rope were manufactured using oil-derivatives, making it impossible to so much as hang yourself, once society collapsed by the time I reached my 40s.

Then, however, I noticed something which seemed to make the whole situation even worse. According to the copyright notice at the front of the textbook, it had first been published 10 years beforehand. So, presumably, this meant humanity now had only 20 years left of life outside the neo-Dark Ages, not 30 at all! Therefore, when it came to answering the subsequent comprehension question, “How many years until the oil runs out?” I asked my teacher if I was supposed to actually write down this smaller number instead. “No,” I was told. “The answer’s still 30.” I didn’t understand. Had mankind suddenly found some more stores of untapped oil in the interim? Say, around 10 years’ worth? Explanation came there none.

This, by the way, was approximately 30 years ago now. And yet, strangely enough, the oil is still here – but only for a limited amount of time. According to some current estimates, we now have around – ooh, let’s see – yes, that’s right, about 30 years’ worth. In 30 years’ time, I suspect, this number may remain curiously exactly the same.

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