Two defeats for the woke brigade – but they’ll be back

Dec 13, 2020 by

by Dr Campbell Campbell-Jack, The Conservative Woman:

THANKFULLY a few roadblocks have recently been placed on the pathway of the seemingly inevitable progress of woke culture. Two in particular last week have brought cheer to those who stubbornly cling to common sense.

Transitioning: The decision on Tuesday in the High Court in London will have an immediate impact on the lives of confused young people. It was ruled that children under the age of 16 were unlikely to be mature enough to give informed consent to being prescribed puberty-blocking medication. The judges also ruled that even in cases involving teenagers under 18, doctors may need to consult the courts for authorisation. As a result of the judgement the Tavistock clinic in London immediately suspended new referrals for such drugs for under-16s.

We should be thankful for the extraordinarily brave Keira Bell, 23, who led this case. She began taking puberty blockers when she was 16 before moving on to cross-hormone drugs and eventually surgery (a double mastectomy), before she detransitioned. This quiet, reserved young woman took on the NHS and publicly funded activist groups such as Stonewall and Mermaids, which had successfully lobbied for medical interventions in ever younger children. She won, and through her we all won. After the case she said that she hoped the judgement marked the end of gender clinics ‘playing God with our bodies [by] experimenting on the young and vulnerable with untested, harmful drugs’.

Free speech: Cambridge University’s ultra-woke vice-chancellor Stephen Toope attempted to introduce a ruling demanding that individuals employed by, studying at, and visiting the university should be ‘respectful’ of all views. In response dons challenged what they rightly termed a ‘vague and authoritarian’ policy which they feared would stifle debate and threaten staff with disciplinary action or sacking for being ‘disrespectful’.

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