US Equality Act’s Looming Threat

Aug 30, 2023 by

by Rick Plasterer, Ecumenism:

The unholy grail of the sexual revolution, the Equality Act, looms as a very real possibility in the foreseeable future. Because of this, it would be good to remind ourselves of just how extreme and comprehensive it is, requiring complicity in sin, destroying religious freedom, and basing law on inherently irrational categories (which LGBT categories are, as they are based on behaviors and inclinations and perceptions of the same).

Given the closely and sharply divided nature of the current cultural conflict, and the ability of Democrats to enact radical legislation in the first two years of Biden’s Presidency with only small majorities in both houses of Congress, it may pass sometime in the next several years. This is particularly true if there is a Democratic victory in 2024, taking both the White House and Congress, which is a very real possibility. The federal same-sex marriage law, passed at the end of 2022, shows that there also may not be a Republican filibuster able to stop it. Additionally, today proponents will claim majority popular support for the bill, although many Americans likely don’t know the specifics. Therefore, we need to be reminded exactly why this terrible piece of legislation is wrong, and what should be the response of faithful Christians if it is enacted. Many specifics can also be found in earlier article series by this writer (here and here).

The proposed Equality Act has gone through quite a number of incarnations since it was first introduced in the mid-1990s as the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) and has become more and more intolerant of conscience objection to homosexuality (and now transgenderism) as it has been re-introduced. In the early years, it covered (as the earlier name shows) only employment discrimination and even had exemptions for religious organizations. Since 2015, it has gone under the name Equality Act, it has explicitly excluded religious freedom from all of its very comprehensive provisions, attempting to require acceptance of homosexuality and transgenderism in all of society.

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