Vimeo de-platforms American Family Association

Apr 23, 2020 by

by Steve Jordahl, OneNewsNow:

A popular video platform has relied on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s discredited list of “hate groups” to shut down a pro-family group’s account.

Vimeo told the American Family Association (AFA) it will not host an account if the owner is a member of a terror or hate group. AFA Vice President Walker Wildmon says it was a sudden and non-negotiable move.

“In recent weeks they’ve taken action against our account,” he reports. “They’ve officially shut down American Family Association’s video account with no in-depth explanation and no recourse, no way to defend our credibility.”

Vimeo did, however, reveal where they got the idea that AFA was allegedly a hate group.

“They’ve done so based on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s reckless labeling of AFA,” Wildmon details.

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