Vive la difference is a sacking offence in Nerdland

Aug 8, 2017 by

by Laura Perrins, The Conservative Woman:

The Nerds are angry. Some indeed are ‘furious’. I reckon still more have been triggered, when a fellow Nerd at Google (a software engineer) wrote a anti-diversity memo, laying out some stark truths about the sexes.

We are told: the document, entitled “Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber,” details his opinion that the firm should focus more on ideological diversity and less on initiatives to hire more women and people of colour. It takes Google to task for its “left bias” and argues the disparity between men and women in tech is not a result of sexism but of biological differences.” 

It also explains: Men are more likely to value “things” whereas women value “people” and have more openness to “feelings and aesthetics rather than ideas,” according to the memo. Men, by contrast, have a “higher drive for status” and the male gender role is called “inflexible.”

This is all true – in general- and because it is true it has the social justice warriors up in arms. It also comes at a very difficult time at Silicon Valley because women and minority groups (but not Asians) are under-represented in SV companies. We are never told why these women and minority groups cannot set up their own companies, but we will just let that one slide for now.

Ah, so much comedy to be had here. The idea that the Nerds of Silicon Valley™ are so outraged they will grab their laptops and flip-flops and take to the streets to declare: female softwear engineers of the world – UNITE!

Read here

Read memo here


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