We can’t let wokeness conquer the Church

Feb 10, 2021 by

by Calvin Robinson, spiked:

Many in the clergy now prefer critical race theory to Christianity.

[…]  Robinson-Brown epitomises the Church of England’s slide into wokeness. For instance, he recently wished ‘A blessed Sunday to everyone except Boris, Priti and all other oppressors!’. The language of ‘oppressors’ is straight from the critical race theory playbook. Even if the government was somehow oppressing Robinson-Brown, his message is hardly in-line with Christ’s instruction to ‘Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you’ (Matthew 5:44).

Following a large backlash in the media, Robinson-Brown apologised ‘for the insensitive timing and content’ of his tweet. Any good Christian would surely accept his apology and forgive him for his mistake. Cancel culture is very real, as the left is finally discovering for itself. Those of us who were upset by his comments shouldn’t be asking for his head on a platter.

In a statement, the Diocese of London labelled Brown’s comments ‘unacceptable, insensitive, and ill-judged’. It is also conducting a review into the comments.

Many woke clergymen took issue with this statement and have closed ranks, attempting to get #IStandWithJarel trending on Twitter. The London Diocese then issued a second statement, painting Robinson-Brown as the victim in his own drama. Robinson-Brown identifies as black and gay, and that gives him a couple of points on the hierarchy of victimhood. The Church has essentially tried to argue that fierce criticism of Robinson-Brown’s comments was racist and homophobic.

Herein lies the problem with identity politics and why it should have no place within the Church. Robinson-Brown’s message was clearly divisive. It was not the Good News he has sworn to proclaim. His comments should be condemned, not condoned. A person’s ethnicity and sexuality should not have any impact on the morality or validity of their words.

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