‘When Mum becomes Dad’ review: where are all the adults?

Dec 14, 2020 by

from Safe Schools Alliance:

This review of the programme ‘When Mum Becomes Dad’, part of a series called ‘My Life’ on CBBC and now available on the BBC iPlayer, has been written by one of our supporters

The BBC is at it again. Not to be outdone by ABC and its Orwell-esque style of propaganda delivery, it has decided to ramp up its attention by using other devices to inculcate trans ideology: pre-teens. However, this time these children (who I won’t name here) are not speaking up for themselves. No; they are advocating for their trans ‘fathers’. In this episode ‘double think’ has been so effectively achieved that these nominated gender prophets are given the job of spreading the word of their parents’ faith, evidently in the hope that they will be more efficient proselytisers.

The opening sketch from this Ministry of Truth missile seduces children with funky, upbeat music paired with a gender performance. Clearly meant to induce feelings of inclusivity and fun, any objections can therefore be brushed aside as cynicism and unkindliness. Shortly, we see an open wardrobe door and ‘man clothes’ spilling out, the clear signal of a new identity.

The performance continues when the owner of the clothes states that they are “living as a man”. Given that their daughter says that both parents “do the same things”, one wonders exactly what it means to ‘live as a man’ in her family, aside from binning dresses and sporting a beard. However, the fact that she refers to her birth mother as “Dad Jack” makes it apparent that Jack is not merely a non-conformist woman, a gender rebel, if you like. Nope; Jack has ‘always’ been a man inside. There has never been any ‘transition’. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.

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