Why Christians Are Now The Bad Guys (And What To Do About It)

Feb 10, 2021 by

by Akos Balogh:

I became a Christian in year 11 of high school. At the time – the early ‘90s – the typical response from my non-Christian friends was a shrug of the shoulders and a half-sincere ‘good for you’. Sure, I felt some teenage angst about being different. But opposition? Hardly any.

After high school, I joined the army. Here I experienced a little more pressure for my faith. My Christian views on sex were often mocked, and became fodder for endless jokes and banter. But the banter was mostly good-natured, done by fellow soldiers who couldn’t understand why sex is only designed for marriage.

Fast forward to 2010.

Then in my early 30’s, I step onto a university campus fresh out of Bible College, as a campus chaplain. Before the year is even underway, I find myself verbally attacked by a gay rights activist, who sees my orthodox Christian sexual ethics as bigoted and hateful. (He even tried to have me kicked off campus).

At the time, I couldn’t believe what was happening: being attacked for merely holding to the Bible’s view on sexuality and marriage? How foreign! And yet, as a colleague pointed out, ‘what happens on campus doesn’t stay on campus’. In other words, these (bad) ideas eventually go mainstream.

Boy, I remember thinking to myself, I hope he’s wrong.

Alas, here we are in 2021.

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