Why has conversion therapy become a major election issue in Scotland?

Mar 18, 2023 by

by David Robertson, Christian Today:

The Scottish Greens are not happy with the prospect of Kate Forbes, a believing Christian and member of the Free Church of Scotland, being elected First Minister. In fact, they are so unhappy that they have suggested they would withdraw from their partnership with the SNP to form the Scottish government if she wins.

The issues that seem to rile them the most are not ‘Green’ issues such as the environment and saving the planet, but progressive social issues such as conversion therapy. Until last week their leader, Patrick Harvie, had publicly stayed out of the fray, but after the Sky leadership debate he weighed in and the Greens suggested that this is a deal-breaking issue.

Why has conversion therapy become a major issue? Why has it overtaken euthanasia as a cause célèbre for ‘progressives’ throughout the Western world? Has there been an epidemic of conversion therapy? What is this great evil that needs to be banned and is seen as so important?

I agree it is a major issue, which is why I have written about it for Christian Today before – here and here. But it is not a major issue because it is a widespread problem in our society. Instead, it is a major issue because it is a Trojan horse being used to smuggle in an anti-Christian, authoritarian ideology.

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