Why is Netflix sexing up ‘Cuties’?

Aug 21, 2020 by

by Debbie Hayton, UnHerd:

The public furore following the suspended sentence handed down to former MP Eric Joyce earlier this month highlighted once again the sexual exploitation of children and what we do with those who are convicted. But as Sarah Ditum pointed out this morning, Joyce is only one of 400 men arrested every month for viewing indecent images of children.

The problem is endemic. As a teacher and a parent, I believe the protection of children should be paramount. But we face an uphill battle in a culture that doesn’t just condone the sexualisation of children, it encourages it.

Netflix’s egregious marketing of the film Cuties is the latest example. “Amy, 11, becomes fascinated with a twerking dance crew. Hoping to join them, she starts to explore her femininity, defying her family’s traditions”, they wrote. Seemingly oblivious to any red flags they published it alongside an image of pre-pubescent girls in erotic poses.

Whether it crossed the threshold to be considered a Category C indecent photograph of children is a matter for debate, but releasing sexually provocative images of young girls is shockingly irresponsible, and using them for commercial gain is reprehensible. The message to children is unforgivable.

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