Why progressives hate Christianity

Dec 11, 2022 by

by Dr Campbell Campbell-Jack, TCW:

IN THE Middle Ages there were no nation states. Instead, there were competing and interlocked feudal power blocs ruled by upper classes identifying with each other. The elite spoke the same language, had the same interests, shared the same culture. The peasants and serfs they ruled were of no account.

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose . . . Today another elite leadership rules businesses, universities, the media and governments. Controlling the cultural and progressive establishments, they wish to establish a widespread civilisation run according to their values and technocratic beliefs. They have little attachment to the people, local traditions or local culture. They reject Christianity. Biblical Christianity in particular blocks progress and emancipation, and gets in the way of the utopia they pursue.

For decades now there has been a deliberate effort in the West to erase our Christian roots and dilute any remaining Christian influence. What is being cancelled in today’s cancel culture are understandings of human life and social structures rooted in the Christian faith. For decades progressivism nurtured in our universities and cultural institutions has supplanted it. Today believing Christians are pressured and harried.  Christians working in health care, education and government are told that their traditional Christian belief is a threat to the freedom and safety of others.

The ideology controlling public discourse reshaping society in the West today comes in the form of Fundamentalist Progressivism which, though it has no belief in God, has all the trappings of a religion. Aggressively promulgated by the elites in politics, media, education and business, Fundamentalist Progressivism proliferates like a cancer.

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