World Health Organization Doubles Down on “Sexual Health,” Transgenderism

Jan 12, 2024 by

by Rebecca Oas and Stefano Gennarini, C-Fam:

The Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) called on world leaders to “counteract conservative opposition” to sexual rights and to “enact progressive legislation” as a “human rights imperative,” including repealing laws that criminalize homosexuality, sex work and HIV transmission.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus reaffirmed his commitment to advancing the “sexual” component of “sexual and reproductive health” in a WHO Bulletin dated January 1.  The bulletin, which officially communicates the position of the international health agency, declares that “sexual health” includes “gender-affirming care” and the affirmation of “sexual rights” among other controversial claims must be treated human rights obligations and “not fringe social issues.”

The bulletin sends a strong message that the WHO is committed to promoting transgenderism under the banner of “sexual health,” abortion as a human right, and the notion of “sexual rights.” It is the highest level endorsement that this controversial social agenda has received, even though it includes issues that are hotly contested in most countries and within the international community.

Conservative countries will criticize the bulletin as unfounded because the UN General Assembly or the World Health Assembly, the governing body of the World Health Organization, have repeatedly rejected the notion of “sexual rights” and the specific controversial issues promoted in the bulletin.

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