Does the Church of England need Evangelicals?

Apr 14, 2023 by

By Carl Trueman, First Things. Does the Church of England need evangelicals? The question is now a pressing one, given that the last few months of chaos over the issue of gay marriage seem finally to have done what decades of doctrinal...

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C of E Evangelicals in watershed fight for own bishops, structures and training

Feb 18, 2023 by

from Evangelicals Now: Evangelicals in the Church of England are facing a battle of historic Reformation-era significance as they fight to secure guarantees that might enable them to continue in the denomination. After February’s General...

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New film released : ‘We love the Church of England’

Feb 17, 2023 by

from CEEC: CEEC is pleased to launch the latest film in the series ‘God’s Beautiful Story’. This film explores the case for differentiation in the event that the trajectory set by the February 2023 General Synod is followed through on in...

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What’s next for Evangelicals in the Church of England

Feb 11, 2023 by

by Keith Sinclair, CEEC: This week the General Synod has passed a motion giving the House of Bishops a ‘green light’ to bring back to the July General Synod prayers that can be used to bless people in sexually active relationships outside...

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Number of Evangelicals continues to rise in France

Jan 13, 2023 by

from The Christian Institute: The number of Evangelicals continues to grow in France, a new report has revealed. According to 2023 statistics from the National Council of Evangelicals of France (CNEF), the number of practising...

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Three Worlds Of Evangelicalism & The Gods’ Return

Nov 16, 2022 by

by Rod Dreher, The American Conservative: There’s an ongoing conversation now, mostly among Protestants, about Aaron Renn’s “Three Worlds Of Evangelicalism” thesis. Are we in “Negative World” — a...

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