Gender confusion latest

Sep 29, 2022 by

The transgender wave continues, with the appalling collusion by establishment figures in the promotion of dangerous ideologies affecting children. But there is now more push-back than before. Latest articles at the top:

Schools are betraying parents, by James Esses, spiked: Teachers are encouraging children to transition behind their parents’ backs.

Ireland: Parliament Installs Free Tampon Machine in Men’s Bathroom, by Peter Caddle, Breitbart

UK woman threatened with arrest for alleged ‘hate crime’ after speaking at rally against transgenderism, by Jonathon Van Maren, LifeSite

Jesus could have been transgender, claims Cambridge dean, by Ewan Somerville, Telegraph

‘An explosion’: what is behind the rise in girls questioning their gender identity? by Amelia Gentleman, Guardian

Why, after 12 years of Conservative government, are civil servants being told not to say ‘women and girls’? by Henry Hill, Conservative Home

The gruesome rise of nonbinary surgery, by Jo Bartosch, spiked

Nicola Sturgeon’s trans zealotry is an affront to democracy, by Tim Black, spiked

Top KC: ‘Scottish Govt floundering in biological denialism’, from The Christian Institute: The Scottish Government has been in court again over its redefinition of the meaning of “woman”.


Justin Welby, scrap the Church of England’s trans affirming guidance, from Christian Concern:
The Church of England’s “Valuing All God’s Children” guidance [in place since 2014] says that children as young as five should be affirmed if they want to identify as the opposite gender… Sign a petition to the Archbishop of Canterbury demanding the withdrawal of this guidance.

Trans group scandals hit media, from Coalition for Marriage:
Robust pushback against Mermaids as part of secular questioning of trans narrative.

Virginia Democrat Bill Would Criminally Prosecute Parents Who Don’t Affirm Their Kids As Transgender,
by Luke Rosiak, Daily Wire

How To Make a ‘Trans Kid’, by Colin Wright, Reality’s Last Stand:
“…the child’s dysphoria that initiated this morbid cascade of events was not inevitable—it was conjured into existence by a radical ideology that wedged itself into the child’s mind by the simple act of giving them a book or asking about their pronouns, and the social transition and puberty blockers cemented it.”

Why the trans lobby loves censorship, by Joanna Williams, spiked:
Twitter’s suspension of Maya Forstater is yet more proof that gender ideologues cannot abide any scrutiny.

Mermaids employee posted sexual image of himself [surely ‘themself’? – Ed.] dressed as schoolgirl,
from The Christian Institute

JK Rowling’s brave trans stand has been vindicated, by Madeline Grant, Telegraph

Trans ideology has spread far beyond Mermaids, by Jo Bartosch, spiked:
Mermaids may now be in deep water. But the mythology it subscribes to has already spread its tentacles through every school and local council.

Biomedical scientist who posted ‘only women have a cervix’ on Twitter is struck off after tribunal ruled he was ‘inflaming gender discrimination’, by Tom Cotterill, Daily Mail

Lottery pauses cash for trans charity Mermaids during investigation, by Lucy Bannerman, The Times

Planned Parenthood is profiting handsomely from transgender ‘hormone therapy’ programs for children, by Jonathon Van Maren, LifeSite

Mermaids’ Corporate Collaborators, from The Glinner:
The trans advocacy organisation received £1.66 million in donations in the financial year ending March 2021. Who are the donors?

Chest binding could be child abuse, say police amid ‘mounting horror’ at Mermaids trans charity, by Hayley Dixon, Telegraph

How has Mermaids escaped scrutiny for so long? by Jo Bartosch, spiked

The Church and Gender Ideology, by Collin Bastian, Juicy Ecumenism: Watch a panel discussion about the dangers of gender ideology and the need for the church to respond to these threats.

Is it a crime to call a male paedophile a man? by Fraser Myers, spiked: Sussex Police claim it is ‘hateful’ to question this serial sex abuser’s gender identity.

Parents’ victory over school that backed ‘gender-change’ pupils, aged six, by Tim Dieppe, TCW:
Nigel and Sally Rowe are vindicated in case which highlights the unquestioned influence of Stonewall on Church of England schools [as Christian Concern and Anglican Mainstream has warned for many years – Ed].

How parents’ challenge impacted government policy, by Rebekah Moffett, Christian Concern

Scottish Govt pays out £150k after losing fight to redefine ‘woman’, from The Christian Institute:
Women’s rights group For Women Scotland (FWS)said Scottish ministers have made a “clear error in law” by attempting to create a category of ‘legal sex’ separate from a person’s biological sex.

Support falls for changing legal sex on birth certificates, from Christian Today

Stonewall tells Oxford to ‘expand the definition of mother’, from The Christian Institute


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