Anglican International Development – Carol Service request

Nov 27, 2020 by

Anglican International Development (AID), which began after the Jerusalem 2008 GAFCON conference, commends their 2020 video report (2.5 minutes) and requests that readers of AM might consider making a contribution to their work with the...

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CI News: 27 November 2020

Nov 27, 2020 by

from The Christian Institute: In the news this week: The Christian Institute welcomes the reopening of church buildings, the Scottish Civil Service is criticised for pushing Stonewall’s trans agenda, and a pro-life student midwife...

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Pro-life student midwife wins apology over placement ban

Nov 27, 2020 by

from The Christian Institute: A midwifery student who was banned from her hospital placement over her pro-life views has won an apology and settlement from her university. Julia Rynkiewicz was suspended from her placement after a lecturer...

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Unifying and renewing a divided life: bridging the divide

Nov 27, 2020 by

from Christian Concern: As the West gradually drifts from its Christian roots, how can we reconnect society not just with a personal salvation, but an all-encompassing Christian worldview that reaches every area of life? In part two of...

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LGBT leaders threaten to quit Church of England dialogue unless bishops support gay marriage

Nov 27, 2020 by

from Christian Today: LGBT leaders and supporters in the Church of England are threatening a mass walkout from a recently-launched discussion process about sexual issues unless bishops give an urgent guarantee to support the marriage of...

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Western culture and the sexual self – the contemporary challenge to the Christian view of human identity and sexua...

Nov 27, 2020 by

By Martin Davie, Reflections of an Anglican Theologian: The St Andrew’s Day Statement, published twenty five years ago this month by the Church of England Evangelical Council, was an attempt by a collection of British Evangelical...

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Why Religion Is Not Going Away and Science Will Not Destroy It

Nov 27, 2020 by

by Peter Harrison, Aeon: Social scientists predicted that belief in the supernatural would drift away as modern science advanced. They were wrong. In 1966, just over 50 years ago, the distinguished Canadian-born anthropologist Anthony...

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Feminism set out to destroy the family and has largely succeeded

Nov 27, 2020 by

by Belinda Brown, Republic Standard: Last month, Tucker Carlson, the American conservative political commentator called attention to the importance of the family. How if we want to have happy, functioning societies the wellbeing of the...

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The great unraveling and our great hope

Nov 27, 2020 by

by Tim Wildman, Christian Post: We live in desperate times, don’t we? Sometimes I catch myself thinking that this must be the worst time in all of history. That’s why I was fascinated to read that one medieval historian picked the...

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Stay in or leave the C of E? a debate hosted by Stephen Kneale

Nov 26, 2020 by

From Building Jerusalem: Stay in: Why this denominational nomad believes it is right to remain in the C of E, by Jeremy Marshall: There is a battle that is raging, so why would we retreat? If we look at the letters to the 7 churches in...

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