Viganò reveals details – including names – about homosexual lobby in the Vatican

Nov 4, 2020 by

By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, LifeSite: The enemy has succeeded in penetrating the interior of both the State and the Church, in order to rise to the very top, building a network of complicity and connivance that binds all of its...

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US Presidential Election: the biggest loser (so far) is the credibility of the chattering classes

Nov 4, 2020 by

by Martin Sewell, Archbishop Cranmer: It has been a long night for those of us who regard ourselves as ‘political junkies’ with a penchant for following US presidential elections. Some months ago I issued a rather low key tweet predicting...

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4 possible outcomes of the 2020 presidential election

Nov 3, 2020 by

by Ryan Foley, Christian Post: In many of the last several presidential elections, the outcome has been projected on election night or in the early-morning hours of the day after the election. However, for a variety of reasons, the winner...

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Lockdown and the church

Nov 3, 2020 by

New severe restrictions on freedom are causing many to question the wisdom and the legality of the government’s policies: (newer items at the top) Scottish ministers to face judicial review over church closures, from Christian Concern...

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Sheikh: The Beheading Of French Teacher Paty Is A Great Honor For All Muslims

Nov 3, 2020 by

from Memri: Al-Aqsa Mosque Lesson By Sheikh Issam Amira: Palestinian Islamic scholar Sheikh Issam Amira said during his weekly lesson at the Al-Aqsa Mosque that it is a great honor for the Chechen youth to have beheaded French teacher...

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You can’t quantify the effect of lockdown

Nov 3, 2020 by

by Elizabeth Oldfield, UnHerd: Has there ever been a global emergency communicated with this much data? The numbers are vital for leaders making agonising decisions, and useful for the rest of us as we modify our behaviour. But most of us...

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This Explains What Is Happening

Nov 3, 2020 by

by Bill Muehlenberg, CultureWatch: Romans 1 fully explains where we are at today: How do we understand what is happening in the world – especially the political, cultural, moral and spiritual decline we see taking place all over the West?...

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The Real Enemy of Islam

Nov 3, 2020 by

by Khaled Abu Toameh, Gatestone Institute: Last week, France condemned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for comments he made about French President Emmanuel Macron’s mental health and treatment of Muslims. Erdogan had...

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Poly Parenting and the Value of the Family

Nov 3, 2020 by

by Matthew Lee Anderson, Public Discourse: The emerging discussion about in vitro gametogenesis and other types of multi-parent technologies demands renewed attention to why children do well with only two parents, and why those parents do...

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Britain’s teaching unions are a disgrace

Nov 2, 2020 by

by Joanna Williams, spiked: Shutting down schools will do untold damage to working-class kids’ life chances. Are there more shameless creatures than the leaders of Britain’s teaching unions? Not content with having kept children out...

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