Advent Meditations: Friday 4 December

Dec 4, 2020 by

. Fri Dec 4 am: 16, pm: 22 Isaiah 3:8-15 1 Thess 4:1-12 Luke 20:41-21:4   Feast of Nicholas Ferrer, Deacon, Spiritual Director, 1637 – Ordained as a deacon, he and his family and a few friends established Little Gidding,...

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Anglicans raped and killed in Democratic Republic of Congo

Dec 3, 2020 by

As they killed the Christians the rebels were saying that they were killing them because they refused to convert to Islam. By Godfrey Olukya, VirtueOnline: Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), an insurgent jihadist group has killed at least 30...

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Keira Bell has led. The rest of us must follow, or collude in harm

Dec 3, 2020 by

by Caroline ffiske, The Article: This week Keira Bell stood on the steps of the High Court, victorious. Keira is the young woman who took the NHS’s “Gender Identity Development Service” (GIDS) to court. She argued that when she entered...

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Christians are being harassed in churches by police who did not know the law.

Dec 3, 2020 by

by Gavin Ashenden: The treatment of churches during the Covid 19 scare has ranged from the unreasonable and illogical to the illegal. For the unreasonable and illogical we might turn to Mike Keirle, the Dean of Jersey who has a voice in...

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The transgender treatment of young people

Dec 3, 2020 by

by Dr Julie Maxwell, Psephizo: You may have seen the recent media coverage of the Judicial review brought by Keira Bell and Susan Evans against the Tavistock and perhaps you wonder what on earth this is all about. This was a landmark...

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Queen’s University ‘wrongly curbing free speech and belief of transgender critics’

Dec 3, 2020 by

by Adam Kula, Belfast News Letter: A prominent lawyer has said Queen’s University Belfast’s (QUB) code of conduct violates the rights of academics and students who do not accept the ideas of transgender activists. Roger Kiska was speaking...

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WEA head: Biblical illiteracy ‘utmost problem’ facing global evangelicalism

Dec 3, 2020 by

By Leah MarieAnn Klett, Christian Post: The biggest crisis facing the evangelical, global church today is the growing lack of biblical literacy worldwide, according to Thomas Schirrmacher, the newly elected secretary-general of the World...

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Covid 19: Where is God in all this?

Dec 3, 2020 by

Three senior doctors and two senior clergy have contributed to COVID-19: Where is God in all this? published this month by Grove Booklets on Ethics for £3.95. Dr John Pilling and Bishop Michael Langrish write: “The story of COVID-19 has...

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Mohler: Hallmark movies used as ‘engine’ for LGBT ‘moral revolution’

Dec 3, 2020 by

by Ryan Foley, Christian Post: A prominent evangelical leader has warned that the Hallmark Channel has become an “engine” of the LGBT “moral revolution,” given its decision to feature a same-sex couple as the lede characters in its annual...

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The Sexual Revolution Has Only Just Begun

Dec 3, 2020 by

by Alexander Frank, Crisis Magazine: The turmoil of the abuse crisis has made it hard to find or make sense of travesty in the new world shaped by “progressive values.” The recent McCarrick Rport does little to clarify it. A broader look...

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