Why an anti-conversion therapy Bill in Australia is a huge threat to churches

Dec 16, 2020 by

by David Robertson, theweeflea: Sometimes it appears as though, among those which regard themselves as ‘progressive’ states, there is a rush to the bottom. And at the moment it appears as though the Australian state of...

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The end of unconscious bias training and Truss’s coming speech on equality – signs of a Ministerial anti-woke fightback...

Dec 16, 2020 by

by Mark Lehain, Conservative Home: Yesterday’s announcement that “unconscious bias training” (UBT) is being scrapped for civil servants is a very welcome one indeed. UBT is perhaps the most conspicuous example of the kind of worrying...

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The God of Heaven Became Human

Dec 16, 2020 by

by David Mathis, Desiring God: What We Still and Will Believe. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. (Apostles’ Creed) Just one brick in the wall...

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Leading porn site removes majority of videos after pressure from Christian group

Dec 16, 2020 by

from Premier: The most popular porn website in the world has deleted more than 10 million videos from its platform overnight after being heavily criticised for uploading unverified footage of assault, rape, and other exploitative sexual...

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GAFCON Issues “Commitment 2020” including contingency for “Extra-Provincial Diocese for Australia”

Dec 16, 2020 by

by David Ould: In a significant response to the Appellate Tribunal opinion of last month, GAFCON Australia have this afternoon issued their “Commitment 2020“. The Commitment, accompanied by a covering letter, sets out very clearly what...

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Do black lives matter to the UK abortion industry?

Dec 16, 2020 by

by Philippa Taylor, The Conservative Woman: IN the UK, the abortion rate in the black community is more than double the national average. And we fund abortions of more than a million African babies annually. The graph below shows striking...

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National Trust is accused of recruiting ‘biased’ team of academics to probe its properties links to empire a...

Dec 16, 2020 by

by Danyal Hussain, Mailonline: The National Trust has been accused of bias over the team of academics it hired to investigate the ties of its properties to the slave trade and empire. The Colonial Countryside project is looking at 11...

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Advent Meditations: Wednesday 16 December

Dec 16, 2020 by

Wed Dec 16 am: 15 pm: 49, 53 Isa 28:1-13 2 Pet 2:1-10a   Luke 2:1-21 ON THE CALENDAR: First of Three Ember Days – The ember days of Advent, Week III (Wed, Fri and Sat of this week are excellent opportunities to do focus on several...

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Julie Burchill’s cancellation and laughable definitions of freedom

Dec 16, 2020 by

by Stephen Kneale, Building Jerusalem: This sort of thing is becoming really tiresome now. I recognise I sound like a broken record but, it seems, it keeps happening again and again. This time, the miscreant is columnist and writer Julie...

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Gay conversion therapy: Hundreds of religious leaders call for ban

Dec 16, 2020 by

By Harry Farley, BBC News More than 370 religious leaders from around the world are calling for a ban on conversion therapy – the attempt to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. The signatories to the...

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