Which COVID-19 vaccines are connected to abortion?

Dec 12, 2020 by

by Michael Haynes, LifeSite: As various vaccines begin to be rolled out across the world, in apparent response to COVID-19, questions remain about the development and safety of many of the vaccines. LifeSiteNews has compiled this short...

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The foundation of Western civilization is relentlessly attacked in Europe

Dec 12, 2020 by

by Jonathon Van Maren, LifeSite: Over the past several months, pressure on Christians has increased as the beliefs that form the foundation of Western civilization are relentlessly attacked as hateful and bigoted. Norway has just banned...

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Advent Meditations: Sataurday 12 December

Dec 12, 2020 by

Sat Dec 12 am: 30, 32 pm: 42, 43 Isa 8:1-15 2 Thes 3:6-18 Luke 22:31-38 ON THE CALENDAR – Feast of St. Finnian of Clonard,  Irish Saint and Monastic , 470 – Saint Finnian was an Irish monk who followed in the path of Saint...

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What is the vision and strategy of the Church of England?

Dec 11, 2020 by

by Ian Paul, Psephizo: The graphic attached here recently caused a bit of a stir in the Anglican social media airwaves. It was included as part of a document presented to the Archbishops’ Council, and was leaked (on its own, within the...

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CI News: 11 December 2020

Dec 11, 2020 by

from The Christian Institute: In the news this week: A psychiatrist faces disciplinary action after warning of the risks of puberty-blocking drugs, a teenager considers legal action against the College of Policing over its guidance on...

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Australian LGBT laws vs UK verdict

Dec 11, 2020 by

by Claire Chandler, MercatorNet: In light of the verdict on the Keira Bell case, are Australian legislators rushing in the wrong direction? Last week in the United Kingdom, a momentous judgement with international implications was handed...

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Labour won’t tolerate freedom of conscience

Dec 11, 2020 by

from Christian Concern: Tim Dieppe comments on the recent resignation of Labour’s shadow faith minister, Janet Daby. Janet Daby resigned as Labour’s shadow faith minister last week over comments she had made in support of freedom of...

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Advent Meditations: Friday 11 December

Dec 11, 2020 by

Fri Dec 11 am 31 pm: 36 Isa 7:10-25 2 Thes 2:13-3:5 Luke 22:14-30 TODAY ON THE LITURGICAL CALENDAR – St.  Damasus, Bishop and Biblicist, 343.                 St. Damasus is perhaps best well known for commissioning St. Jerome to...

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The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution, ...

Dec 10, 2020 by

from Christianity Today: In a new book The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self: Cultural Amnesia, Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution, Carl Trueman argues that the sexual revolution and its triumphs result from a...

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COVID-19: Where is God in all this? Review by Dr Gareth Tuckwell

Dec 10, 2020 by

COVID-19 Where is God in all this? Greg Forster, Caris Grimes, James Haslam, Michael Langrish, John Pilling Edited by Chris Sugden Published by Grove Books Limited October 2020 £3.95 27pp ISBN: 978 1 78827 139 4 This publication is an...

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