‘When Mum becomes Dad’ review: where are all the adults?

Dec 14, 2020 by

from Safe Schools Alliance: This review of the programme ‘When Mum Becomes Dad’, part of a series called ‘My Life’ on CBBC and now available on the BBC iPlayer, has been written by one of our supporters The BBC is at it again. Not to be...

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Advent Meditations: Monday 14 December

Dec 14, 2020 by

Mon Dec 14 am: 41, 52 pm: 44 Isa 8:16-9:1 2 Pet 1:1-11 Luke 22:39-53  ON THE CALENDAR, Feast of St. Lucy, Martyr of Syracuse, 304 – According to the traditional story, she was born to rich and noble parents about 283. Her father...

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Queen Mother’s lady in waiting is going to war on woke

Dec 13, 2020 by

by Ian Gallagher, Mailonline: Lady Angela Oswald is starting with the slavery-obsessed National Trust which nearly got its hands on her family’s Elizabethan estate. What was to become of Burghley House, England’s greatest...

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A merry Covid Christmas?

Dec 13, 2020 by

by Michel Nazir Ali, The Article: Hurrah! Christmas isn’t cancelled after all or is it only half cancelled or is it so deeply rooted in our minds and hearts, in family life and in the national psyche that it cannot be cancelled? The...

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Two defeats for the woke brigade – but they’ll be back

Dec 13, 2020 by

by Dr Campbell Campbell-Jack, The Conservative Woman: THANKFULLY a few roadblocks have recently been placed on the pathway of the seemingly inevitable progress of woke culture. Two in particular last week have brought cheer to those who...

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Hell, and how to escape it

Dec 13, 2020 by

by Peter Mullen, The Conservative Woman: AFTER Death and Judgement, we peer into Hell. Most people today regard this subject as rather quaint. Many are personally offended by the concept of Hell – primitive, medieval and superstitious as...

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Entire Bible translated into 700 languages; 5.7 billion people now have access to Scripture

Dec 13, 2020 by

By Leah MarieAnn Klett, Christian Post: The Bible has been translated in its entirety into more than 700 different languages, meaning that over 5.7 billion people now have both the Old and New Testaments in their native tongue. According...

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Sydney: Anglican Church ‘on a path to disintegration’ over blessing same-sex unions

Dec 13, 2020 by

by Michael Koziol, Sydney Morning Herald: The conservative Anglican Diocese of Sydney has told its top personnel the church is “on a trajectory towards disintegration” over a decision to allow the blessing of same-sex unions....

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Advent Meditations: Sunday 13 December

Dec 13, 2020 by

                            Sun Dec 13 am: 63, 98 pm: 103 Is 61.1–4, 8–11 1 Thess s 5.16–24 John 1.6–8, 19–28 Third Sunday of Advent: The Scriptures for this Gaudete Sunday proclaim the essence of this Latin salutation in no uncertain...

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Rethinking Inter-religious Dialogue for our times

Dec 12, 2020 by

For the December public lecture by zoom of the Oxford Centre for Religion and Public Life, Rev Dr Peniel Rajkumar, the Progamme Executive for Inter-Religious Dialogue and Co-operation of the World Council of Churches began by quoting the...

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